
OECD 492

The EpiOcularTM Eye Irritation Test (EIT) test method was developed by the MatTekTM Corporation. Lebrun Labs LLC conducts the test following the OECD 492 guideline. The test matrix consists of a three-dimensional tissue model grown in a test well (shown above). Ocular irritancy is predicted based on cell viability following exposure to the test chemical as determined by the MTT viability assay. Live cell metabolism turns MTT purple. The optical density of extracted purple MTT is then quantified using a plate reader. A prediction model classifies substances as nonirritants based on the percentage of treatment group cell viability compared to that of the control group. The EpiOcular OECD guideline states that the overall accuracy was 80%, the false-positive (FP) rate was 37%, and the FN rate was 4% (OCED 492, 2019).While a wide range of substances can be tested using EpiOcular EIT, colored substances and substances that directly change the color of MTT require additional controls (OCED 492).

Lebrun Labs LLC follows the procedure described in OECD 492.

Additional Reading:
Same-chemical comparison of nonanimal eye irritation test methods: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability, EpiOcular™, Isolated Chicken Eye, Ocular Irritection®, OptiSafe™, and Short Time Exposure

For additional information contact: sales@lebrunlabs.com